
Josh Early Big Bird
Josh Early Mini Bird
Josh Early Small Bird
Russell Stover Bird
See's Classic Bird
All Natural Ugly Bird
Pooping Turkey
Cold Turkey
Ear Of Corn
Pumpkin Candy
Pligrims & Indians
Maple Pilgrims
See's Autum Box
Thanksgiving Pops
Return to Holidaze

If you're in a rush to leave the Thanksgiving get-together, why not skip the pumpkin pie and have a piece of pumpkin candy instead? I'm chewing on one of these as I write, and I find that they're a nice, mildly-flavored toffee.

This candy came in a large cellophane bag. I can't read much of it, but the ingredients are all-natural, and I like their slogan at the top of the bag: Dream and Love.

Apparently the Americans didn't have the vision or enough interest to create a pumpkin candy, but the South Koreans did. My sister-in-law, SeungAh, thoughtfully tracked this down at a Korean market for the CWM, just in time for the holiday. Thank you, SeungAh!