Necco is another member of the "All Time Great Candy Names" Hall of Fame. As a little kid, I found that half of the fun of eating Necco Wafers was to be able to say, "Mom! I wanna Necco!", "Gimme that Necco!" or "Hey, who stole my Necco!" The other half of the fun was eating them. These rolls of lozenges that you could either suck on or chew on had a great blend of spicy and sweet flavors. The variety of flavors and colors came in a perfectly balanced ratio and spectrum in each roll:
Pink = wintergreen
Green = lime
Purple = clove
Orange = orange
Brown = chocolate
Yellow = lemon
White = cinnamon
Black = licorice
When you mention the name “Necco,” most people think only of the wafers. However, Necco---The New England Confectionery Company---made hundreds (possibly thousands) of other confections during its reign as America’s oldest candy company until its abrupt demise in 2018. Despite the closing of Necco, the wafers have survived, now being manufactured by Spangler, but still with the name we love to say, “Necco Wafers.” If you mark the birthdate of Necco Wafers as 1847, when its forerunner, Chase Lozenges, was invented, this means that candy consumers have enjoyed Necco Wafers for over 170 years! That’s a really old candy. And although one of the hallmarks of Necco Wafers is that they take a long time to go stale, I do not recommend eating them if someone offers you a roll from 1907!