As you may or may not know, I typically don't collect a lot of Pez because it's just a whole collector's world unto its own. However, there's no way that I could pass on this Holiday Pez because the package art was designed by my beloved husband, artist extroardinaire, Joe Lacey. I don't have examples of the earlier Holiday Pez, but suffice to say, this illustration marked a long-needed update to the Pez designs. I think it captures the classic look of Christmas, something that seems to be fading from modern society, and something I miss.
This Holiday Pez came in five different dispensers, sometimes in tubes, sometimes in blister packs (as seen above), and more often in cello bags as seen below. There is also a giant store display version of this art, but a mean-spirited employee at an Eckerd's refused to go find it in the back room for us after another employee had left it for us to pick up. Too bad... it would have made a great addition to the collection.