"If you've got a heart, then Gumby's a part of you." So true, so true. I suppose there are people out there who don't love Gumby, but I haven't met them yet.
As far as I know, this box of Gumbys (fruit pectin jelly snacks) was never a regular candy release. I picked it up at an Art Clokey film festival back in 1985. Boy, was that great! They showed all kinds of fun stuff like "Gumbasia".
Trivia: Did you know that Gumby's pointy head was styled after Art Clokey's father's hairstyle?
This box came with candy and stickers inside. As I recall, the candy was decent. Nothing stupendous, but good. I give Art credit for creating this nice little souvenir of the wonderful, wonderful Gumby experience. Thank you for everything, Art Clokey!
Click here to see a larger view of the front.
Cliick here to see the stickers that came inside.